🔓Nova Vault

Your Nova Vault, nVault for short, operates as a separate wallet, and is set up to hold your funds in a non-custodial format, only you have access to your funds. It's also a safety net in case there is an error while withdrawing your funds from your portfolios. If this happens, your assets will be placed back into your nVault.

Your portfolios are linked to your nVault. When your nVault is connected to the platform, you can view and manage your portfolios from your personal Dashboard. Your nVault’s data are stored in your browser (and we do not have access to it).

If you change browser, or clear your cache, you will need to reconnect (recover) your nVault.

You can manage your account by simply clicking on the "My nVault" menu, at the top right of the navigation bar.

Important: The nVault is a non-custodial account, the Nova team does not have access to it, only you do.

Some guidelines

  • Do not share the secret phrase and private key of your Nova Account. Write them down and keep them safe

  • Do not place additional funds in this account, other than those needed to run transaction on Nova

  • When an operation has been completed such as a deposit, you are free to withdraw excess funds. However, you may be required to re-deposit SOL if you want to deposit in further portfolios or exit in order to pay for gas fees. A minimum of 0.2 SOL is required to create a portfolio.

Setting up your nVault

When you initiate your first transaction, you will be guided through the set up of your nVault. You will be given a 12 word secret phrase, and a private key, that you will need to recover access should it be lost. For this reason, it is paramount that you save these details somewhere safe.

Important: We do not save your secret phrase or private key. You need to write them down and store them safely. We cannot recover them for you.

Recovering your Nova Vault after disconnecting it

If your Vault has disconnected (for example, if you’ve cleared your browser cache, or you're accessing from a different browser or device), you can recover it using the secret phrase or private key provided at the time of setting up.

From the top right of your screen, click on "My nVault", or on "Recover using private key" or "Recover using Secret phrase". When prompted, enter your details, then select "Done".

Importing your nVault into your Web3 wallet extension

You can easily import your nVault into your Web3 wallet, and access it as you would do with a normal wallet. You will need your private key or secret phrase in order to do so. These are provided when you first create your nVault.

Each wallet extension may vary, slightly. This is how you can import your nVault into your Phantom wallet.

Step 1: Access you Web3 wallet extension from your browser

Step 2: Click on the menu icon on the top left corner, then go to “Add / Connect Wallet”

Step 3: Select Import Private Key

Step 4: Select “Solana”, add a recognisable name (eg: nVault), then paste your private key in the appropriate field. Now click “Import”.

Step 5: You’ve imported your nVault into your web3 wallet! You can add or withdraw funds from your nVault at any time. We strongly recommend not to touch the funds in your nVault. Insufficient funds may result in failed transactions and execution of your automations. A minimum of 0.2 SOL is required in the nVault to operate.

Optional: You can follow the same procedure to import your nVault using your secret phrase instead.

Need further help?

Visit our Discord Server and use the #support-ticket channel to get in touch with a team member.

You can also write us at team@novafinance.app or on X.com @NovaFinance_

Last updated